If you are heading to the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE) Biennial Conference at the University of Idaho in Moscow, Idaho from June 23 to 27, please join us!
Here’s what we’ve got lined up:
Resistance Movement: Poetry and Nonfiction Readings from Terrain.org
Wednesday, June 24, 3:30 – 5:00 p.m.
Editor-in-Chief Simmons Buntin will facilitate poetry readings by Derek Sheffield, Nathaniel Perry, and Chris Dombrowski and nonfiction readings by Catherine Quayle and Keetje Kuipers.
The Environmental Humanities Beyond the Tenure Track
Friday, June 26, 10:30 a.m. – noon
Editor-in-Chief Simmons Buntin and Editorial Board member Kathryn Miles join other panelists on the official career session of the ASLE Graduate Student Working Group to discuss careers in and beyond the environmental humanities.
Terrain.org in Conference Exhibitors’ Area
Wednesday, June 24 – Saturday, June 27
Join Terrain.org staff members at our table to learn more about the journal, which has been publishing online since 1998. The table features a projector and screen to showcase the website, flyers (including information about our current literary contests), and merchandise for sale: Terrain.org stickers, the Unsprawl: Remixing Spaces as Places book, and new limited-edition signed broadsides by Alison Hawthorne Deming and Wendell Berry.
We hope to see you there!
Photo of Idaho landscape courtesy Pixabay.