In the Midday Heat
By Antanas VaiÄŤiulaitis
Translated from Lithuanian
by Matthew Vasiliauskas
By Antanas VaiÄŤiulaitis
Translated from Lithuanian
by Matthew Vasiliauskas
By Abigail Greenbaum
By Charlotte Matthews
By JoeAnn Hart
An Excerpt of The Book of (More) Delights
by Ross Gay
Prose by Alexandria Peary + Photos by Deborah Schillbach
By Hayden Corwin, Allyssa Edwards, Shanté Fletcher, Lauren Hicks, Ryan Mayer, Cristian Orellana, Adrian Ridley, and Christopher Schaberg
By Lawrence Lenhart
By Kristina Moriconi is the first online literary journal of place, publishing award-winning literature, art, editorials, and community case studies since 1998.