Terrain.org 9th Annual Contest
Terrain.org 9th Annual Contest

Announcing the Terrain.org 9th Annual Contest

We are pleased to announce the judges for the 2018 Terrain.org Annual Contests in Poetry, Nonfiction, and Fiction, with a submission deadline of September 3, 2018. There is no theme for this contest.


Jane HirshfieldPoetry: Jane Hirshfield
Jane Hirshfield is an award-winning poet, essayist, and translator and the author of several collections of verse, including The Beauty (2015), a finalist for the National Book Award.

Elizabeth DoddNonfiction: Elizabeth Dodd
Elizabeth Dodd is the author of Horizon’s Lens and In the Mind’s Eye and teaches creative writing and environmental literature at Kansas State University.

Daniel OrozcoFiction: Daniel Orozco
Daniel Orozco is the author of Orientation and Other Stories (Farrar, Straus and Giroux). He teaches in the creative writing program at the University of Idaho.

Submission Deadline

The deadline for our 9th Annual Contests in Fiction, Nonfiction, and Poetry is September 3, 2018, for publication in late 2018 or early 2019. All notifications will be made in November 2018. View full contest guidelines.

Prizes and Entry Fee

A prize of $500 plus publication for the first-place winner will be awarded in each genre. Finalists in each genre will also receive publication and a prize of $100. Entry fee is $15 for each story, essay/article, or set of 3-6 poems (or single long poem). Submit and pay online after reviewing the contest guidelines.

For additional information, view the contest guidelines or contact us.

Header photo by 12019, courtesy Pixabay.