Horses in sunset dust

One Poem by Sherry Mossafer Rind

Quadruped Sleep

It would appear that not only do men dream, but horses also, and dogs, and oxen; aye, and sheep, and goats, and all viviparous quadrupeds; and dogs show their dreaming by barking in their sleep.
  – Aristotle,
Historia Animalium

A hat walks under my chin
I lift with the ends of my teeth
and a boy’s face tips up
the mouth round and so close
that I could eat his breath

I see a dark thing twisting at the edge of vision
my back legs dance sideways when the front pull straight

In distance even stone walls shrink like a day going past
it comes back in pieces
the hayrack’s full

the shoulders ache and the neck

we pull the earth to order
ruts in the field heave under our hooves

when my partner stumbles my head bows with his

a soft breeze, a place without flies
now I bow my head freely to the grass

Somebody’s kicking, skin twitches
my legs want to jump
blackberry vines perfume the mouth

I climb past a fence, up a mountain and see
down the other side the same bracken I’ve left

I leap into wilderness
my ears catch the air like wings

I listen for our safety
the others’ breath a low song
night rolls out its dampness
a bowl of stars cups our heads

clotting stink of raccoon in the plum tree
I leap that high

chickens squawk and flap across the yard
my teeth snap on a feather’s edge

when the phantom pack races
the night sky, I howl with it

until human voices call
my wild song into their lighted room




Sherry Mossafer RindSherry Mossafer Rind’s most recent book is Between States of Matter.

Header photo by Andriy Solovyov, courtesy Shutterstock. Photo of Sherry Mossafer Rind by Jed Share.