I’m about to break and—enter
the ants
stealing in through some side passage,
hoisting larvae
onto their backs, looting labor, with no
time to hatch
an escape plan; to boot—the kidnapped
give off
a crayon-melt smell, a square tip-off and
once conscript,
it’s always hell—so let it begin, enter.
The ants know
a just-off color of chitin, when kink
in antenna’s a little
different, and what servants do not ache
for a part
of the renaissance they make—muralled
walls and clockwork
halls, a colony that grows and conquers
its queendom, revival-style—I, too, want
mansions, dream, and so
enter the ants’ cabal as they bid
each to hasten,
tend, send out more citizens, go & raid,
return with laden backs.
Though the servants fear their own pheromones—
in the only homes
they’ve ever known, (plenty of room but no
vacancy), I can’t see
how this can be, with compound eyes
color how impossibly bound to black and white
our dreams are
Header photo by Tanes Ngamsom, courtesy Shutterstock.