Double Divination
My people ask counsel at their stock and their staff declares unto them.
— Hosea 4:12
Arrive at fresh pools
While recovering yourself, from self outward
Even travelers carry large amounts of fresh water
Buoyant objects
Float an egg white
Predicting future husbands
Fertility eases along the surface
Using tools to contact…
Liquid symbols of the future:
Into a blue ceramic bowl.
Ask your question.
May cloud:
Glare into, indirectly.
When symbols cease forming, stop chattering,
Interpretation begins; post hoc reproductions take hold of your hands.
Pendulum over map
Electromagnetic aquifer If moisture is a window to the soul…
If you’re looking to walk on water
You must first find it.
Can you walk on the humidity within?
forked twig prospectors mining dowsers
plunging utensils transplanted practice underground selves
Y-shaped divining rod’s dipping direction
Underground roiling; each branch held sweaty
Position suddenly jerking downward
Testifying to a witch; is he controlling the branch?
Drill a well (on your own property to be safe).
Sometimes water will be present at that spot; other times, it is not.
Sometimes you will see your soul; other times you will not.
(It might also be wise to seek a hydrologist.)
Header photo by freestocks-photos, courtesy Pixabay.