Terrain.org Columns.





Sherry Saye


I shopped at the market

I shopped at the market,
for you I bring the fresh spinach
breads of all shapes
dark wines
to kiss in your mouth
and butter
on your lips
on the tips of tender things
fresh and quick let's eat them now.




I am rooted, footed, lifted
eyes practice elevation
at night and then again at sunrise.

Just like when
those flying men stepped down
onto our wave-maker satellite,
I stared at the TV, I ran out,
I stared at the orb.  They were up there walking.
I mean really walking on the moon.
Oh man, astronauts.

And then the primitive experience,
union with universal essence in movement,
watching darkness speed
2,000 m.p.h., prisms, beads, diamonds,
360 degree sunsets.
Listen, light forever came from the west in Canada.

I gaze, stargaze and feel rushing, extinguishing space.
I never believed I was mortal.


Sherry Saye currently lives in Colorado.  An environmentalist, she enjoys native landscaping and frequently hikes the Rockies to the highest points her youngest child is able to reach.  She is a contributing editor at Acme Poets and has recently been published in the Colorado Springs Independent and in several online journals, including Zuzu's Petals Quarterly, Perihelion, Poetrynow, and Melic Review.  Now and then, she reads with the Bare Knuckle Poets down in the Springs.
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