An Attempt to Exhaust a Small Wetland in Brockport, New York or An Homage to Georges Perec By Christopher Norment
Missing in Action By Ayurella Horn-Muller An Excerpt of Devoured: The Extraordinary Story of Kudzu, the Vine That Ate the South
ContestNewsSubmit Your Poetry Manuscript September 15 – November 15 for Sowell Emerging Writers Prize
ContestNewsMore Than $4,000 Available in 14th Annual Contests in Poetry, Nonfiction, and Fiction
ContestNewsCongratulations to’s 13th Annual Poetry, Nonfiction, and Fiction Contest Winners!
ContestNewsSowell Collection,, and Texas Tech University Press Launch the Sowell Emerging Writers Prize
NewsStacy Boe Miller, Ho-Ming So Denduangrudee, and Siamak Vossoughi Win 2nd Annual Editor’s Prizes
ContestNewsMore Than $4,000 Available in 13th Annual Contests in Poetry, Nonfiction, and Fiction