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Michael D. Weber : Twelve Photographs

Photographs by Michael D. Weber. Enter the ARTerrain gallery.Mike Weber learned to use a camera as a child, but it wasn’t until he was injured in an auto accident in his sophomore year in college that he started taking photography seriously. In a halo for three months, basketball was out of the question, and even fishing was difficult since he couldn’t drive. After reading an article about bird photography in Texas Parks and Wildlife magazine, he put some grain on an old picnic table and started photographing birds. Fifty to 100 rolls of bad bird photographs later, he started concentrating on other subject matter.

Photographer Michael D. Weber.
Michael D. Weber

Macro photography has always interested Weber. Early in his career he had a macro photograph published on a Sierra Club note card, and much of his work this summer involved macro photographs of dragonflies. “Macro photography is much easier,” says Weber. “You only need a small area to be arranged right to take a good photograph.”

Weber also takes scenic and abstract photographs. He has traveled extensively, but usually takes his best photos within five miles of home. Since he’s lived in Maine and California for short periods of time, he has quality photographs of these areas.

He grew up in Jefferson, Texas, and has lived there most of his life.

For more information, visit Michael D. Weber's website at www.MichaelDWeber.net.

Twelve photographs by Michael D. Weber

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ARTerrain Gallery are copyright © by Michael D. Weber. All rights reserved. No work may be used or reproduced without express written consent of the artist.


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