The Dove
Today I saw a soft gray dove, as elegant
as the most elegant Frenchwoman, perched
on a fence rail as if all Paris were spread
before her, who as I went by, neither flew
nor called. And what passed between us
I understood: I was not worth her throat.
And nothing—not mist nor thicketry
nor windy leaves, not even the darkest
depths of night can conceal her now.
I would know that silence anywhere.
The Racing Pigeon
Once I was let hold
a two-day old chick,
warm and pulsing
in my hand, and as
I stroked its beak,
I came to wonder
about home, and
whether if I were
abandoned between
deep-set hills that
would neither kill me
nor make me happy,
I would give up
I had
to fly there.
Header photo by Elninho, courtesy Shutterstock.