Sunset storm over mountains

Letter to America
by Molly Lanzarotta

One Poem

Condupe Hypeswindle Chemtrails

Listen: that rumble is not the benign universinging,
cosmohumming breath of stars mumbled about in coffee klatches.
It’s sound seeded in clouds, a deludedeluge, a buzzing
beeconcerto-bluff put there to rain down on you.

Angry orangeswell eyeflares crest the mountains, just out of
glimpse. What do you think, flimflamfire? ashraining? Hoaxhail
won’t melt. Don’t laugh when those-in-the-know truthplant: what
you are seeing and what you are hearing is not really happening.

Out-raging, up-bursting rivers barrage all concrete subterfloors
and turf, the alliancepact-solidliquid broken. White waterwaves and
ocean pours out, saboteurs and waterworkswonks no doubt,
climate controlling trolling from this world’s wet basement.

Nurse, don’t leave me, listen: that hack is not my chicanecough,
this framedfevered skin not my face, the con is contagious, the
variantdupe-goneviral—no virusvaccine, never was a vaccinevirus.
Doctor, hold my hand please I cannot make you sick.




Molly LanzarottaMolly Lanzarotta was a finalist in 2021 for both the Lascaux Prize in Poetry and Sunspot Lit’s “Culmination” competition. A story shortlisted for the 2021 Fish Flash Fiction Prize was published in the Bath Flash Fiction anthology Snow Crow. Her work has appeared in The Rumpus, Vestal Review, Cimarron Review, Carolina Quarterly, Southeast Review, and the books Brevity and Echo and What If?

Header photo by David Mark, courtesy Pixabay. Photo of Molly Lanzarotta by Tim Smith. Music by Erickson Smith © 2021.