On Labor
for my son
B., do you remember the crane
that raised up that worker
to tie a rope to a tree,
then how he took a chainsaw to it?
The branches shook apart.
The workers shoved the tree
into a woodchipper.
And you mimicked the sound
all afternoon.
At night I read you a story
about electricity.
How it is pulled from earth,
so many coal workers
beneath ground tearing it apart.
The illustrations were horrific
and yet,
I read you that story anyway.
B., light in the world
doesn’t mean taking light from
somewhere else.
Remember the earth like a prism:
light in and more out.
This is how shadows work.
They cover and cover.
Temple of Salt
an erasure of Genesis 4:15-5:29
finding god began
in likeness
his name
all the
days lived
lived after
all the
days lived
and died
all the
all the
days his
Header photo by Natee K Jindakum, courtesy Shutterstock.